
SociLabs - A codelab cooperative.

What is SociLabs?

SociLabs is an initiative started by Sean Doody, a sociology PhD candidate and computational sociologist at George Mason University, to serve as a codelab repository consisting of tutorials, examples, and other useful information for sociologists interested in data science and computational methods.

Who is this for?

Initially, the target audience was envsioned to be sociology graduate students new to programming who are interested in using computational and data science methods in their research, including machine learning, natural language processing, data management, interacting with APIs, etc.; however, the material hosted on SociLabs is useful to all social science researchers interested in learning more about, and applying, data science.

What else should I know?

Currently, the focus of SociLabs is on data science and computational applications in Python and R. However, we hope to expand our focus over time. If you would like to see something specific, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us below. Also, we are always looking for collaborators: if you’d like to contribute a post or series of posts to SociLabs, get in touch!

Who do I contact?

If you have any questions, contact Sean Doody by clicking here.